I just heard a song on the radio, its one I hear all the time but today it had a different, stronger effect on me. The song is "King of the World " by Natalie Grant, its not just the song but a specific part that really got me. " When did I forget that you've always been the king of the world, I try to take life back right out of the hands of the king of the world." I realize we all try to take life back and we think we can do it on our own, we forget that we cant but our pride makes us box God up and keep him right there for when we want him, we try to run our lives slacking off our devotions and time with him and we think we know what were doing, that we have everything under control ,when in reality we are crumbling to pieces because we are looking in the wrong direction for everything we want. This could be looking to the wrong guys for attention or just socializing in general as i have recently made the mistake of.. or could be that new job that looks so go...