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Showing posts from June, 2017

Getting Back on Track

I just heard a song on the radio, its one I hear all the time but today it had a different, stronger effect on me. The song is "King of the World " by Natalie Grant, its not just the song but a specific part that really got me. " When did I forget that you've always been the king of the world, I try to take life back right out of the hands of the king of the world." I realize we all try to take life back and we think we can do it on our own, we forget that we cant but our pride makes us box God up and keep him right there for when we want him, we try to run our lives slacking off our devotions and time with him and we think we know what were doing, that we have everything under control ,when in reality we are crumbling to pieces because we are looking in the wrong direction for everything we want. This could be looking to the wrong guys for attention or just socializing in general as i have recently made the mistake of.. or could be that new job that looks so go...

Be the Role Model You've Always Wanted

Today I want to bring up a topic that really goes with a bible verse which I feel has been put on my heart to share with all of you.             The verse is 1st Timothy 4:12 ~ "Let know one despise your youth ,instead you should be an example to believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and purity." I love this verse because its basically saying that no matter how old you are, you should strive to be a role model for the people around you. Your age is just a number ,its not a level of maturity, or of knowledge, or of wisdom. Age is simply a number. This is something I have learned over the years as I've struggled making friends because I don't get along with my own age group. You can easily be one physical age and mentally connect with a completely different age. Your age measures your physical age on earth ,its not a calculation of your mental maturity level. This took me some time to understand, once I began connecting with people my mental a...

Singing Through The Storm

Heyyy, I'm sure everyone has heard the song "Singing in The Shower" by Becky G and if you haven't its definitely a well known must. That song brings me into the topic I actually would like to discuss today which don't worry I'm not lecturing you about remembering to shower or anything. I want to talk about singing in the rain. Now I don't mean actually going outside when its raining and singing as fun as that is. I mean this metaphorically, when it comes to life we all have bad days aka rainy days. What we choose to do with our rainy days is entirely up to us, we can be upset or sad or even angry over what goes on in life but what good has that ever done anyone? That's right absolutely none, life will give us rain and hail maybe even snow us in to the point where we feel trapped. We can be upset during the rain because we don't want to get soaked or we can embrace the storm and dance in the rain like nothing in the world matters besides that momen...

Dating Right

Hey guys, Something I want to address today is an issue that I feel is becoming bigger and bigger for us as teenagers and young adults. As we grow up we are getting to the dating age and this is very exciting as well as scary, whether you have had your heart broken once or a hundred times it never hurts any less. The hard thing I keep seeing in today's world when it comes to dating is that people have no moral values anymore. Sex used to be something everyone thought of as sacred and something you wait for until you get married. For those of us like myself that still stands today ,however for a majority of our population it has become meaningless and for some even a game. Guys think that its not cool to be a virgin anymore so then it becomes a game among the guys basically- who can do it more. As sad as this is ,its a reality I have witnessed from previous guy friends that have told me things etc. No one cares anymore and no one seems to think about the consequences this can have ...

13 Reasons Why...Not

I'm sure most of you have probably heard of or seen the new TV series "13 Reasons Why." If you haven't then let me give you a basic summary. "13 Reason Why" is about a teenage girl who commits suicide but before she does this she makes 13 tapes on why ,the 13 reasons.  Hannah the girl in the story is bullied ,now everyone experiences bullying right so what would drive a person so far to make the decision to take his or her own life? When someone is bullied its not the bullying that drives them that far its the feeling of being alone. You see when someone is going through a hard time but they feel like they have people that understand and have a sort of safe zone than they can get through this. However for some people they get to the point when they feel like they have no one. They feel like no one will understand, no one will listen because who will believe them anyways right? They are scared of being classified as "crazy" or "overly emotional...


Hey guys! This one goes out to my fellow high-schooler's, the ones of us who have that dreaded word"finals." If your anything like me than you are starting to or already have gone into panic mode over this. I mean who doesn't? One test is over half our grade for the year ,if you ask me that's a pretty good reason to stress, however never fear because I have a few study and test taking strategies to share with you that have really helped me :) 1) Talk to your teacher, they love to help you and might even be willing to schedule a private study session to help prepare you so don't be afraid to reach out! 2) A study strategy I always use is note taking, writing out key concepts etc into a notebook puts those notes into a different format which secures the information in your brain in an entire new way ,you can also type the notes as well in order to accomplish the same thing. 3)  Make a study plan ~ you can plan out when to study for each class so you don...

Rumor has it...

Rumors~ something that is said about a person that is not true or not from a reliable source. As teenagers we hear rumors all the time ,maybe we've even heard some about ourselves. We all know how much it hurts to have false accusations made about us and how hard they are to correct. Once a rumor is started by someone they spread fast especially now a days with all the social media readily available to anyone anywhere. This makes the lies even harder to correct and makes it easy for someone to target and attempt to destroy another persons reputation ect. These are so hard to correct because once a false accusation is made its usually a twisted or exaggerated version of something similar that happened and when you try to explain the truth its not as "interesting". Our society today feeds off of interesting and believes what most fits what they want to hear. Someone will happily twist something to gain popularity, friends, or even to just be noticed. This is sad but its al...

Believe it or not guys aren't everything...

Hey y'all So today I feel the need to clear something up that I think is pretty foggy for all of us girls whether we want to admit it or not. Lets face it we are at the age where were beginning to be pretty into guys and the attention we put into that can take away from a lot of other important things in life. Like guys have suddenly become everything I mean even for me ,most of my friends are guys and yeah I'm stereotype boy crazy right now which sometimes gets in the way of the things that actually matter. Guys are fun and great but don't let that take you off the path your on. Everyone has goals for their future and no matter how great a guy is or how much you like them just remember they are not worth sacrificing your future for. Now I know you all think I'm headed down the sex lecture but that's actually not it at all, I'm talking about school or sports ,things that will get you to college and scholarships for college. See you can be anyone you want to be ...
Self Image ~ This is something I wanted to touch on because I believe its something that we all struggle with. The actual definition of "self image" is The idea a person has of his or her abilities, appearance, and personality. Now everyone struggles with this but as teens we are pressured even more by peers , social media and even ourselves. See while other people judge us it really comes down to how we judge ourselves at the end of the day. If you want people to view you as the confident, amazing person you are than you first have to see those qualities in yourself. This is something I personally had a hard time with for years, I wasn't the right size or I wore the wrong kind of jeans. I wanted so badly to fit in with my peers and was willing to do almost anything to get the satisfaction I thought came with being apart of the "in crowd." I learned that its not about what everyone thinks of you at all actually , its about how you view yourself and I also learn...
Attention Music Lovers! This ones for you, everyone loves music but it costs way to much to buy all our favorite songs or we have to use apps with adds ect. Well for anyone who uses you-tube there is actually a website where you copy and paste the link of the song aka video on you-tube into the website and it converts it into a downloadable file which you can download directly to your computer or any electronic device. I've used it myself many times and it works like a charm. Here is the link below, check it out!