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Singing Through The Storm

I'm sure everyone has heard the song "Singing in The Shower" by Becky G and if you haven't its definitely a well known must. That song brings me into the topic I actually would like to discuss today which don't worry I'm not lecturing you about remembering to shower or anything. I want to talk about singing in the rain. Now I don't mean actually going outside when its raining and singing as fun as that is. I mean this metaphorically, when it comes to life we all have bad days aka rainy days. What we choose to do with our rainy days is entirely up to us, we can be upset or sad or even angry over what goes on in life but what good has that ever done anyone? That's right absolutely none, life will give us rain and hail maybe even snow us in to the point where we feel trapped. We can be upset during the rain because we don't want to get soaked or we can embrace the storm and dance in the rain like nothing in the world matters besides that moment. We can panic during a hailstorm because the roads are icy and we have somewhere to be ,or we can go ice skating on the streets. We can cry and break down when we feel snowed in or we can embrace the time we have and enjoy what we have while we wait for the storm to pass. The thing about God is that he never gives us more than we can handle, he has a plan and sometimes for his plan to be fulfilled we need some rain, some hail, and maybe we even need to be snowed in to realize what he has for us, or for the next step in his plan to go through. We are all given the storms of life, what sets us apart is what we do with our storms. Will we be upset during the rain, afraid of getting wet or will jump in voices loud and dance in the moment? Will we panic during the hail or will we go ice skating on the streets?  Will we break down when we feel snowed in or will we embrace what we have and not let any moment be taken for granted? How we answer these questions is what either sets us apart or makes us blend in with today's society. Here's a little secret, we weren't made to blend and conform to our society ,we were created to stand out and be a light. When the storms of life come we need to be the ones who embrace our storms and make sunshine for others during their storms. I challenge you to ask yourself those questions next time you get rain or hail or even snow, what will you do? When you see a friend who is going through rain by themselves ,I challenge you to show up with music ready to dance and when the hail comes bring them skates, if the snow arrives bring a shovel to dig them out. What you do with the storms of life is up to you ,I pray that we all can find a way to not conform or blend but to stand out and be the sunshine in the midst of all the rain.


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