Hey guys,
Something I want to address today is an issue that I feel is becoming bigger and bigger for us as teenagers and young adults. As we grow up we are getting to the dating age and this is very exciting as well as scary, whether you have had your heart broken once or a hundred times it never hurts any less. The hard thing I keep seeing in today's world when it comes to dating is that people have no moral values anymore. Sex used to be something everyone thought of as sacred and something you wait for until you get married. For those of us like myself that still stands today ,however for a majority of our population it has become meaningless and for some even a game. Guys think that its not cool to be a virgin anymore so then it becomes a game among the guys basically- who can do it more. As sad as this is ,its a reality I have witnessed from previous guy friends that have told me things etc. No one cares anymore and no one seems to think about the consequences this can have not only for themselves but for there partner as well. Now this already sounds bad but whats worse? Whats worse is when us people who know our self worth and actually have self respect and moral values get looked down upon. Us girls that think its wrong to send nudes, or have sex, we are the ones who get called lame and why is that because we respect ourselves and the promise that we have made to ourselves and God. Yes we are the lame ones right? We get constantly pressured and guys try to get us to cave like were weak and we can be broken. What they don't seem to understand is that we stand for MORE than just a one night stand. We want more than just physical attraction in a relationship and we WON'T cave because we are stronger than that. When sex is involved in a relationship before marriage how is that even a relationship? Its not ,its pure physical attraction at its best. A relationship is getting to know someone ,its about a bond that begins to form and the love that you begin to share and any guy who is actually worth your time will respect and support you and your values.
We can't put it all on the guys though, so here's my question for you. "What do you value in a relationship? What is the end goal? What do YOU believe is right?" I ask you this because you need to know what you want in a relationship before you even consider having one. You need to be ready to defend yourself and your values because believe me the devil sneaks up like the present you have always wanted. You have to be ready to say no and you need to know how. This also comes down to how you portray yourself. Guys pick up on things so what are you wanting them to pick up on? When they check you out what do you want them to see? This also what you need to figure out because how you portray yourself will affect the type of guys you attract.
Dating can be a wonderful thing you just need to know what you want and be strong in your faith and your values so that when the hard times come you can make the right decision for you. No guy is ever worth compromising your self worth and your values. Any guy who ever asks that of you is only there for one thing and i promise you its not the right thing. I challenge you to figure yourself out before going to a relationship and than find yourself someone that will support you. I pray that you never feel pressured into something you are not comfortable with, and if you are that you know your self worth enough to realize he's not worth it. There's a lot of great guys out there waiting on a girl like you so never settle for less than you deserve. You are beautifully and wonderfully made so shine like lightening and never let anyone steal your thunder!
Something I want to address today is an issue that I feel is becoming bigger and bigger for us as teenagers and young adults. As we grow up we are getting to the dating age and this is very exciting as well as scary, whether you have had your heart broken once or a hundred times it never hurts any less. The hard thing I keep seeing in today's world when it comes to dating is that people have no moral values anymore. Sex used to be something everyone thought of as sacred and something you wait for until you get married. For those of us like myself that still stands today ,however for a majority of our population it has become meaningless and for some even a game. Guys think that its not cool to be a virgin anymore so then it becomes a game among the guys basically- who can do it more. As sad as this is ,its a reality I have witnessed from previous guy friends that have told me things etc. No one cares anymore and no one seems to think about the consequences this can have not only for themselves but for there partner as well. Now this already sounds bad but whats worse? Whats worse is when us people who know our self worth and actually have self respect and moral values get looked down upon. Us girls that think its wrong to send nudes, or have sex, we are the ones who get called lame and why is that because we respect ourselves and the promise that we have made to ourselves and God. Yes we are the lame ones right? We get constantly pressured and guys try to get us to cave like were weak and we can be broken. What they don't seem to understand is that we stand for MORE than just a one night stand. We want more than just physical attraction in a relationship and we WON'T cave because we are stronger than that. When sex is involved in a relationship before marriage how is that even a relationship? Its not ,its pure physical attraction at its best. A relationship is getting to know someone ,its about a bond that begins to form and the love that you begin to share and any guy who is actually worth your time will respect and support you and your values.
We can't put it all on the guys though, so here's my question for you. "What do you value in a relationship? What is the end goal? What do YOU believe is right?" I ask you this because you need to know what you want in a relationship before you even consider having one. You need to be ready to defend yourself and your values because believe me the devil sneaks up like the present you have always wanted. You have to be ready to say no and you need to know how. This also comes down to how you portray yourself. Guys pick up on things so what are you wanting them to pick up on? When they check you out what do you want them to see? This also what you need to figure out because how you portray yourself will affect the type of guys you attract.
Dating can be a wonderful thing you just need to know what you want and be strong in your faith and your values so that when the hard times come you can make the right decision for you. No guy is ever worth compromising your self worth and your values. Any guy who ever asks that of you is only there for one thing and i promise you its not the right thing. I challenge you to figure yourself out before going to a relationship and than find yourself someone that will support you. I pray that you never feel pressured into something you are not comfortable with, and if you are that you know your self worth enough to realize he's not worth it. There's a lot of great guys out there waiting on a girl like you so never settle for less than you deserve. You are beautifully and wonderfully made so shine like lightening and never let anyone steal your thunder!
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