Hey y'all
So today I feel the need to clear something up that I think is pretty foggy for all of us girls whether we want to admit it or not. Lets face it we are at the age where were beginning to be pretty into guys and the attention we put into that can take away from a lot of other important things in life. Like guys have suddenly become everything I mean even for me ,most of my friends are guys and yeah I'm stereotype boy crazy right now which sometimes gets in the way of the things that actually matter. Guys are fun and great but don't let that take you off the path your on. Everyone has goals for their future and no matter how great a guy is or how much you like them just remember they are not worth sacrificing your future for. Now I know you all think I'm headed down the sex lecture but that's actually not it at all, I'm talking about school or sports ,things that will get you to college and scholarships for college. See you can be anyone you want to be and do anything you want to do but you have to stay focused and honestly at our age we have so many distractions and hormones that staying focused can be a true challenge. I'm not perfect I'm actually the farthest thing from perfect ever , i get distracted and caught up in guys liking me all the time but having my long term goals really helps me stay on track. I want to be a pediatrician and in order to get there i have steps to take and goals I'm working towards. Having those goals and keeping God in the center of your life is really the key to keeping on the path to success. when we drift from God we start to question things and we all do it so as that happens we just need to make sure were getting back into the word and making sure our faith is solid. At times we think we can tackle the world on our own but we cant and God knows guys better than we do he knows that we get hormonal and distracted but lucky for us he can help us overcome all of that we just have to let him. I'm not saying I'm against dating or guys or anything like that ,I'm totally into it ,we just need to make sure we don't let whats new and exciting in the present take us off the path of our long term goals.
So today I feel the need to clear something up that I think is pretty foggy for all of us girls whether we want to admit it or not. Lets face it we are at the age where were beginning to be pretty into guys and the attention we put into that can take away from a lot of other important things in life. Like guys have suddenly become everything I mean even for me ,most of my friends are guys and yeah I'm stereotype boy crazy right now which sometimes gets in the way of the things that actually matter. Guys are fun and great but don't let that take you off the path your on. Everyone has goals for their future and no matter how great a guy is or how much you like them just remember they are not worth sacrificing your future for. Now I know you all think I'm headed down the sex lecture but that's actually not it at all, I'm talking about school or sports ,things that will get you to college and scholarships for college. See you can be anyone you want to be and do anything you want to do but you have to stay focused and honestly at our age we have so many distractions and hormones that staying focused can be a true challenge. I'm not perfect I'm actually the farthest thing from perfect ever , i get distracted and caught up in guys liking me all the time but having my long term goals really helps me stay on track. I want to be a pediatrician and in order to get there i have steps to take and goals I'm working towards. Having those goals and keeping God in the center of your life is really the key to keeping on the path to success. when we drift from God we start to question things and we all do it so as that happens we just need to make sure were getting back into the word and making sure our faith is solid. At times we think we can tackle the world on our own but we cant and God knows guys better than we do he knows that we get hormonal and distracted but lucky for us he can help us overcome all of that we just have to let him. I'm not saying I'm against dating or guys or anything like that ,I'm totally into it ,we just need to make sure we don't let whats new and exciting in the present take us off the path of our long term goals.
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