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Showing posts from August, 2017

Stay True to You :)

I strongly believe that we were all put on this earth for a reason. We have all been given talents or gifts that make us special and set us apart from anyone else. In today's society however we are taught to blend in with the going trends and what is "in style" when it comes to life. This seems appealing because no one wants to be outlasted. I'm asking you however to look at it from a different perspective, if we go with society and try to blend in with all the "ins" and "outs" etc than are we really living our own lives? Are we really being our own person? No were not, you see instead of being our own persona and embracing what makes us unique, we are conforming and becoming a part of the massive human society is creating. I say massive human that society is creating because that's how I like to think about it. Our society tells us what foods are good to eat, the best cloths to wear, where to shop, what to like, what to dislike, who to spend t


What is "love?" This is a question that many of us have wondered and that some of us still do. A word that used to be so pure, now has so many different meanings that it can be confusing. There are different types of love. There's a love for another persons body also known as an affectionate love. This love is risky because there is nothing mentally at stake, nothing holding the two people together except a feeling of attraction which can leave just as soon as it came. there are many more that are talked about in scripture but the other one I would like to discuss today is a real love for another person. This is often where we as humans get lost because we cant comprehend what true love is.Our brains ,as amazing as it is cant handle or describe true love. We cant find an accurate scientific way to describe it and while this makes it complicated to understand its also what makes love so special. The bible describes true love in 1 Corinthians 13 4-8. God paints us a picture

Love Your Enemies

 Today I was searching for inspiration, I like to write my blogs on topics that are important to me and that I feel need to be heard or I have struggles with myself. I like to write  posts that just might make a difference for my readers in some shape or form. Tonight as I began my devotions , I ran across a verse that touched me and also reminded me of something that I need to work on in my life. Luke 6:26-27 says that " But to you who are willing to listen, I say love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you." We all have people in our lives whom have hurt us, maybe some of us more than others but we all have them. When we get hurt by a person, our human instinct is to push them away and shut them out, either for a time or completely. What if instead of shutting these people out, we drew them closer? I'm not saying put yourself back in a position to get hurt but instead of pushing them away draw them closer, not