A question that came to me today, one that we may not actually come across very often knowingly, but also one we come across very frequently. On a daily basis we see "horrible" people, maybe its someone on the news who's committed a murder or led a robbery.Now your probably thinking, "wow what a horrible person to have done that." Are they really horrible people though? Or rather horrible actions? All humans were created in Gods image, then when the first act of sin occurred, the original product so to speak got tainted. Even after that however, we were all created in Gods image so to say that people are "horrible" is like saying God made a mistake somewhere... God doesn't make mistakes, he does however give us a choice. Our choices as human beings can be horrible and our actions that result from those choices can be horrible. So when you really think about it, theirs no such thing as a horrible person but rather horrible choices and actions. No on...