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Things God Reveals in Our Lives...

I often notice, how God has an interesting way of revealing things to us. He reveals things to us about ourselves, about what relationships to end and which to pursue, he shows us who he wants us to be with and who he doesn't. He even reveals things to us about other people. Maybe its a friend or your child. When the time comes for something to be known, he finds a way to tell us. Now sometimes we don't listen , but that's our own fault. What God wants is always in our best interest even if at the moment we don't know it. Sometimes its clear what we need to do and other times, its like fog and we have to slowly work our way through it to figure it out. Why you ask? If he wanted something for us in our lives, why not just give it to us right? No, when he gave us a choice to follow him or not,he gave us free will. That free will gives us the power to choose his path for our lives or another. Even though what he wants for us is good, if he forced it upon us then he would depriving us of our free will and our freedom of choice. So instead he gives us the tools for success for his plan, we just have to be willing to listen and be patient, and follow the directions he gives. Its funny, the human life is truly so abstract and yet we serve a God who has planned out every moment and every thought we will ever experience. He knows every feeling, every heartbreak, and every love that we will ever have. He knows us by name before we were even born. The creator of the world has everything and yet he still wants you and I despite our sin and our mishaps, he forgives our human nature and still is willing to be our light in the face of the darkness. We all look for that constant in our lives, we look hard and far when truly the only constant is the one that has been there all along and will never leave. We all want to be wanted but often forget that we already are.
   In our lives God reveals many things ,for me lately its been things about myself and my relationships mainly. Its become very clear to me which of those i need to pursue and which ones are Godly relationships. I must say one is pretty recent and I'm very thankful that God has blessed me with this person in my life. To have someone truly understand you is extremely rare. People say they understand but they font or they try to understand but they really cant. For someone to sincerely get it and support you without thinking your a crazy person is honestly so amazing. Until recently I had people in my life I could talk to but I have my struggles like all of us and for someone to finally understand them... Well all i can do is thank the Lord. I feel like sometimes we get blinded, when something gets hard then all we see is how hard it is. We get so caught up in what could go wrong we forget to enjoy whats going right. If something is going right shouldn't we enjoy it? Instead of micro- analyzing every bit and piece that could go wrong? My moms best friend told me something that I now hold dear. She said " live for today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is unknown".She was right, yesterday is the past we cant go back, we cant undo ,and we cant redo. Tomorrow, well were not promised tomorrow. We aren't even promised the next minute of our lives so live not only for today, but live for this moment in time,right here, right now. And with your life do whats going to glorify God because happiness is an emotion that comes and goes but joy is everlasting and that is found in hi.  If your unsure of something right now, maybe its a job or a relationship or maybe its your son or daughter wanting to be in a relationship that you are unsure of as the parent. Think about this, starting with that job, is that glorifying God, is it helping you come closer to him or your family? Is it helping you with what God sees as right or good? Maybe your the one with the relationship that you want but your just not sure, is that person encouraging you in the right way and helping you strengthen yourself in your walk with the Lord? Are they supporting you in the right ways, being respectful, and do you feel like its right? Maybe your that parent that really just is unsure and kinda freaking out about this. Let me ask you, is this relationship harming your child in any way? How do they feel,while they may not have all the experience you do, take in account how they feel because the Lord may be telling them its right or has blessed the idea of this relationship. If your unsure ,then keep a close eye on it and set boundaries. Boundaries are healthy in child interrelationships. Before you completely shut down the relationship however if that's what your thinking then think about this, whats your reasoning? Maybe its age, that's a popular one but not all people are bad and if you keep close eye and your child feels God has blessed it then theirs really nothing to worry about. Also think about this, your scared of your child getting hurt but you want them to be happy, you depriving them of this chance could hurt them more then anything else. For all you know this could be there soul mate and maybe not, I mean that's a bit extreme. Form that bond with your child and develop that trust, the trust is a two way street though, you have to be willing to trust there judgment and how they feel occasionally too.   When trust is formed, your child respects you and they want your blessing to, so as hard as it is to see them grow up, try to give what there asking at least a chance. In ten years relationships built on trust are so critical , I encourage you to build that up and not let it fall.
    I'm sorry this was so long, I kinda get hit with everything I feel God wants me to say at once haha. I hope you all have a great weekend and if you got this far, thanks for reading!


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