Hey guys!
You may be wondering about why I titled this post role call...Well this is a very special post because I'm officially announcing project #nicenessispriceless (niceness is priceless)!. October is bullying prevention month and this is something I'm very passionate about. For this month I'm running a project, I want to do something bigger and to do this i need your help! Yes you! All I'm asking is that everyone do something to help spread bullying awareness and help make a difference in the future. This can be super simple like a quick tweet with a positive message using the project hashtag, or you can do posters around your school, work place, local business etc. There's a million places you can go with this and all I'm asking if you want to join me in this project is if you post on social media, please use the hashtag. I want to make a difference and for this project to go viral would be a dream come true :) This will be going on all month long and we need to unite as one to help end bullying! So lets work together and see what a difference we can make! I'm calling role call to all states, countries, and everyone who would like to be apart of this. I really believe if we unite together we can make a difference.
I would also like to offer up something I haven't before. If you would like to share with me what your doing for this project, I would love to hear about it! Shoot me an email and if you would like I will also share pics of posters or any project that you do here on my blog to show the world what can happen when we all come together :)
My email is-
I hope to you hear from you and see what great things you all come up with for this, thank you everyone!
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