There have been several topics on my mind and heart the last week. So I pray right now that God present them here the way he wants them written and understood.
One topic I'm sure I've touched on before is uncertainty, however I feel it is more relevant now than possibly ever. In this world the only certainty we havw perhaps is uncertainty, key words here; this world. As I've mulled this topic over in my mind a couple things have become clear:
-uncertainty forces growth of faith.
-community and relationships are of utmost importance.
-In an uncertain world and constantly uncertain times, we as humans need Jesus, our rock and savior more then ever before.
-Lastly (for now) we need to be building our boats to withstand rough waters every day even as the water is still so that when the inevitable tsunami hits, the storm of life won't wash us away. This analogy sums up most of the main points, together with those whom we are building relationships, we should be building our faith and thus our life boats. This is a constant surrender and a constant effort every day. I feel like as humans we tend to forget God when the water is calm, I know I'm guilty of this at times. It's important to keep building and growing even more so in the stillness and calm to prepare for the storm. In this world the only certainty we have is that there will always be uncertainty and that Jesus is king. He never promised an easy life. In fact he assured us that we would likely endure the opposite of easy, just as the world hated him first they would hate us also. That being said he gave us the tools through his holy spirit, word, and relationships to conquer the uncertainty, the pain and the trials. There's a song I love lately that talks about not wanting to pursue things of this world that don't lead you to God or his promises, not pursuing things you can't take beyond the grave such as relationships. I've just felt it on my heart how important that truly is and how easy it is to get caught up in life and worldly desires, inevitably losing sight of God. This week I just want to encourage you to set your sights above. Take comfort in Jesus in the midst of uncertainty and build your faith life boat, surround yourself with others that will help you strengthen it daily and spend some quiet time with the Lord building that relationship as you would a friend.
Have a great week and God bless!
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