Everyone deals with stress in life no matter how young or old you may be. I know this is a topic I've touched on several times, this is due to the fact it is an ever changing, ever growing concept. Stress is constantly coming in seemingly endless forms. The specific aspect of stress that I want to focus on today is the fact that when were stressed, we typically take that stress out on ourselves. This is pertaining to how we treat our bodies, both physically and mentally when were stressed. I have experienced this a lot lately. Junior year has been crazy as I'm sure most of you know either from past experience or current. There's stress on getting grades that colleges will accept, ACT/SAT, getting volunteer hours, internships, upholding a job, playing sports or being active in school clubs, and so much more on top of trying to stay sane... In my most recent experience, I have come to the conclusion that when I'm stressed there are times that I'm not good to my body. This can be in the form of over eating, under eating, not sleeping, not getting adequate exercise, or simply over working yourself. Sometimes you may not even realize what your doing to your body, I didn't until recently. What I have learned in relations of how to combat the massive stress-mobiles that constantly drive at us at 100mph is, remember your human, funny idea right? Sometimes we like to think were super humans that can run 24/7 and handle anything and everything with no consequences... this is not the case. Remember your human, this means if you feel the need to take a break, take it, listen to the signals your body is giving you! Even in stressful times, keep an eye on proper nutrition, the better you eat, the better you will feel. Along with nutrition try to squeeze in at least a short 20 min workout a day, getting your body moving will help release cortisol which is the hormone that produces stress, therefore working out relieves stress...yay!! Sleep is very important when your stressed, trust me I know how hard it can be to get proper sleep when you have a million things on your mind, so my suggestion is find a bed time prep method that works for you. Mine is nighttime chamomile tea, it has extra herbs that calm the body down in preparation for sleep, although everyone is different so find your personal method :) The last couple tips I want to leave you with today are, when your stressed you tend to feel trapped, isolated, stuck, and overwhelmed. This is completely normal, find someone in your life that you talk to and spend time with on a regular basis, call them when you feel this way, maybe even schedule an afternoon together. Staying connected especially with one specific person can open up a world of freedom feelings! Lastly, here is your reminder for the day that you aren't alone! Whatever it may be that your going through, you will get through it, and when you conquer this, you will have such an immense feeling of accomplishment that every tear will be worth it. You are destined for greatness, and you will reach the goals your working towards! Now take a moment and just breathe, and congratulate yourself for all the work you have accomplished so far <3
Often times when you think about "love", where does your mind go? For some of us it might be the love shared between a couple or a family, friends etc. Rarely however do we think about ourselves. The world can feel like its spinning a million miles an hour, I know mine is. We spend so much time making sure everyone else is okay that we often times neglect ourselves. We love everyone and try to make sure they know that, but what about making sure we know we love ourselves? That were happy with who we are? You may be thinking I've gone crazy right now trying to tell you to love yourself lol. I'm serious though, we are our biggest critics and I feel like we spend so much time critiquing ourselves that we forget to be happy with who we are. We tend to excuse mistakes of ones we care about, as we should but then we dwell on our own mistakes and let them tear us apart. We need to show ourselves the compassion we show others and we need to be comfortable with who we are as ...
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