Life is a crazy thing, what's crazier is how we each define the course we take through it. Often times we categorize our lives by the bigger more obvious choices, for instance taking a job, going back to school, getting married, having children etc. If we created a road map of our lives on paper it would likely consist of big landmark choices. Is it truly those big choices however that sum up our lives? Is it really those land mark sized choices that got us where we are today and propel us further into the future? I'd like to argue that they are not. Every day, every moment we are faced with choices, big and small choices. Perhaps the most seemingly miniscule choices are in fact the most monumental. When you start your day, what thoughts do you allow into your head? How do you nurture your mind, body and soul when you rise and when you begin to settle down for the day? How do you choose to interact with those around you, how do you speak to them? How do you speak to yourself, are you kind? Are you speaking of God with the words leaving your tongue? What do you allow into your life through the media and your surroundings? Who do you allow into your life and who do you consistently entertain? All of these seemingly miniscule choices are what guide us to the bigger landmarks. These choices that we often give no thought to, the choices we make even with our subconscious with little to no thoughts at all are actually the stepping stones that define our lives and make our path. As you go into your week I encourage you to take note and pay closer attention to your seemingly unmeaningful choices and evaluate how they do or do not correspond to the way you want your life to go. Take the time to be intentional. Take the time to evaluate perhaps what you would like to change to better meet your goals. Be in the moment this week and evaluate how you can make each tiny one count.
God bless everyone have a great week!
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