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I must first apologize to all of you , my readers for the long gap in between blogs. This summer has been insane and while I am not one to share my own personal life, I believe there were lessons learned and wisdom gained this past summer in which I would like to share with all of you. So all my teens and even parents out there, this ones for you.
    Growing up is hard, especially in today's world with so many constant influences trying to tell us who we are and who we should become. It's a struggle among these influences to find out who you are now and who God wants you to be in the future, it's a constant question of if you made the right choice, if your going the right direction, and sometimes it feels as if there is purely no direction in any way you look. It can feel as if God is no longer leading you, and if your like me, that feeling is scary. I want to give you wisdom tonight that God is with you, I know for a fact because he stayed with me even when I couldn't see it, hind-sights 2020 right?? Without going into the details I will say this, this summer I left my home I've known for 17 years, I left my parents, I left everything and moved in with my grandparents for two and a half months. I am back home with my parents now and God has done so much in me and in my family which I am grateful for. While several people whom knew what was going on saw my leaving as a crisis, just as I did at first, I see it as a blessing. I am a small town girl born and raised and while I'm proud of that, I have never known anything else. Some say I lived a sheltered life, which I did but I prefer to call it a safe one. This summer in Vancouver was a shock to me as I had never before lived in the city. What I found there however was something I never expected, throughout all of my problems and constantly asking God if I was doing the right thing, praying and praying yet not hearing any answers, he brought blessings into my life. Blessings I couldn't see in the moment. As humans were great at only seeing part of things, often it's hard to see through the pain and that's where I was at. I was hurt and overwhelmed and constantly questioning not only myself but God too. What I didn't expect however was how prepared God was for every single feeling I had. This summer God brought some of the most amazing people into my life, friends and mentors that I have never had before. I learned lessons too, I learned that I am capable of taking care of myself, I learned that I am stronger then I previously believed and I am more ready for life after high school. Over these months God showed me that he blesses us all with people to lean on and people to support us but the only rock who never wavers is him. I learned that people falter but our God does not ever falter! Jesus is true when nothing else is, he is there when we have no one else to turn to and he provides exactly what we need when we think there is no way possible we'll make it.  This summer brought a lot, but it was a blessing, God used it as a chance to help me learn who I am as a person, to influence who I want to be and to solidify my identity in him. This summer after I'd had sufficient time, God brought me back to loving parents and for once a hope and a knowledge that everything will be okay and it will workout because even during out doubt he is still in control and may let us fall, but with that fall he also extends a hand helping us back up.
   The wisdom I want to give you tonight is the wisdom in which I wish I would have had so many months ago,  you are going in the right direction and even if your not hearing answers from God in this moment, you will hear them but on his time not yours. If God is making you wait for a response then there are lessons he wants you to learn so that your prepared for his response. Pray not as a last resort but as a first option, God does hear you and trust me I know at times it doesn't feel like it but he does and he is with you. Secondly sometimes time is needed, take time away from a situation or people, whatever it may be, take time to discover who you are without anyone else telling you who to be, trust God and take a leap of faith asking him to guide you. It won't be a straight path, it will be a windy road with some scary turns and you will wonder why God is taking you that way, but trust him, his will always prevails and it may not be what you expected, but it will always be what is best. I write to all of you today because I feel God has placed it on my heart to do so, I hope even one of you that reads this can find an answer to a question or hope knowing your not alone in a similar situation. I pray that you all find yourselves and find peace knowing that you are not alone and you have an identity not only in yourself but also in Christ, have peace knowing that the valley may seem long but God doesn't leave you in the valley, he walks you through it and he never lets go of your hand along the way.


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