Its incredible how one person's comment can get your mind thinking about a world of other things, a chain reaction per say. I've come to a realization and it's not one I particularly like, in the midst of our busy lives, stress, problems, and overall worlds, how often do we completely miss what's right in front of our faces in the current moment? I feel like we spend so much time worried about what's gone wrong in the past and how that could affect our future, or what may or may not happen in the future that we can completely miss the amazing moments right in the present. Our "present" time is called the "present" for a reason, because its a gift and we never know how many more "presents" we have left to open. Each day, each moment, they are gifts, not givens. We aren't required or promised another day, were only promised and lucky enough to have the day we were gifted right now. What we do with that gift is up to us, but what I encourage you to do, live in the moment. If you want something go for it, if you love someone tell them, and mean it with all your heart because you never know when it could be your last chance. A very inspiring person told me that people are going to do what their going to do, and we can't control that or them. What we can control is every act of our own stories, every line of how we speak in response, every action put forth. Lets make those words and actions count, lets make them not only turn our story into a fairytale, but make the page in someone else's story brighten. Lets live in the moment, you can't change the past, you can only learn from it and you can't predict the future, only build and prepare for it. Don't miss the little things life has to offer, or in the end you'll miss the things that life is worth living for.
"Love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to"-Unknown
"Love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to"-Unknown
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