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Seeing Past The Haze

We all get into rough patches of life, sometimes to the extreme that we see no way out. Today I want to remind you to see past the haze that these life situations often create. When we see no escape from a situation then we lose joy, we lose motivation, and we lose positivity. This is exactly what the devil wants, these types of things can be viewed as an invasion to the mind, things aren't really that bad and yet we see it as the end of the world. The devil likes to attack our minds, our thoughts are his playing field and taking our joy, our motivation and our positivity, our gifts from God, that is his prize. When we let our thoughts take over our mind we let the devil win. Instead during these foggy, hazy times in life we need to lift our eyes to the one that matters. Remember that he has a plan, a plan not to harm us but to help us prosper. Sometimes we need a little haze in order to truly see and appreciate the light for all that it is in our lives. So during the haze, don't be frightful or discouraged, but rejoice because your God has a plan for your life bigger then you could ever imagine, and this haze is simple a blink of an eye in comparison the lasting plan and promises he has for your life.
~You cant have a rainbow without first a storm to deliver the rain~


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