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Gaining Happiness Through Simplicity..

Life is full of things in this new age, things have taken over our lives. In our generation its all about who has the newest car, the best job, the cutest cloths and the list goes on.. Our lives are so focused on things that everything is a jumble, its all complicated and the complications aren't even to fulfill our happiness but rather to make others think were happy..  When we live constantly unhappy  with what we have, always wanting more, we miss out on the amazing joys and blessings of what we do have that are right in front of us.  How often do you simply walk outside and stare at the sky? Yes it looks a bit weird to some but that shouldn't matter. How often do you just absorb the sunlight not for the sake of a fashion tan but simply because it feels good? How often do you dance in the rain without fear of your makeup being ruined simply because you want to? How often do you wake up, look out your window and thank God for giving you another day? Our society is so focused on material items and making everything such a competition that we can miss our on life's greatest joys, we miss out on Gods greatest gifts! These aren't the gifts that cost a million dollars, actually since there free they are often overlooked.. Look at the world around you, see the beauty in Gods great masterpiece. When you start finding joy in the simplicity God has provided you with then you will always have a reason to be joyful and not a day will go by where you don't have something to appreciate or be thankful for.. When you start living in simplicity, you truly start living in joy.


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