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Problems or Potential?

Do you ever feel like you life is lacking something? Like you have this picture of where you want to go but you don't have the paints to color it? Its funny how constantly we try to color within the lines per say, we get this picture of what we want, and we only look for things in life that will fill in the specific picture we've created. Let me ask you this however, in order to contradict that near sighted thought, what would happen if we painted outside the lines? What would happen if we used less of our perception and understanding of what the picture should be and we traded that in for more of God's perception and understanding? How different would that picture look? Would we need to search for all the paints? Or would they already be there? God has given us everything we need to fulfill his purpose for our lives. We often times look so far into what we don't have that we are completely blind to everything that we do have. In order to see God's painting for our lives we need to learn to be grateful and to use what he has given us instead of constantly searching for what we think he should give us. Sometimes we think that God has abandon us because he took something,whether it be of finances,a friend or family member lost too soon etc. It can feel like because he's taken something, or given a lack of something, that he has left us or no longer cares. This is truly just the opposite however, sometimes the Lord needs to give us a lack of one thing to put our focus back to him, to put our focus back on the blessings he has given us, and to make us look to him with a greater sight, a greater vision, so that he may show us his will for our lives. As we go through our lives, we will run across "problems", are they really problems though? When we see problems, God sees potential, shocking I know. It can be hard to believe that God, the King of Kings, would see potential in the homeless, potential in the broken hearted, potential in those that today's society would just kick to the curb.. God doesn't see what our society sees, what our world sees. God sees his beautiful creation, his perfect painting which he has crafted specifically for every person on this Earth, no matter where they are in their lives! When we start looking through the eyes of the Lord we no longer see grumpy people as annoying, but people who could use a smile, we no longer see the school dropouts as losers, but people who need a hand in the right direction. When we choose to look through God's eyes we are given authority and wisdom and its with this authority and wisdom that he calls all of us to build people up, to help grow leaders, leaders not just for our world but for the world that has no end. The kingdom of the Lord! God has entrusted to us the task of bringing hearts to him, we have a choice to obey or disobey, so the question is is simple.. will you see problems or potential? 

"He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much."


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