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NHCC Gala!

Tonight my family and I had the honor and privilege of attending the 2018 New Hope Christian College Gala. I'd like to start off by thanking Pastor John Tilton for inviting us to take part in such a wonderful evening! It was so great to see some of our beloved friends from the islands and have a chance to catch up on so much :). Tonight was about more though then just catching up with old friends, it was the NHCC annual fundraiser and also a night of true inspiration, a night of drive, a night that got my brain thinking about not only my future goals, but the goals that God has for my life. As I'm nearing the end of my sophomore year in high school, I have began thinking more intently about college and what exactly I want to pursue in my future. I've been fairly set on pediatrics and physcology, however as I've been praying and listening to mentors etc, I have been leaning more towards physcology and motivational writing and speaking. Something Pastor Wayne said tonight really solidified that for me. He was talking about how you have to come to the point that you truly want what God wants for your life and for your future. You have to get to the point where you stop comparing yourself to other people, saying things like "well he makes more money then I do" or " well she's more of a celebrity." You have to get to the point that you are so confident in the Lord, confident in his plan for your life and what he is calling you to do that nothing else matters, that nothing and no one will sway you from that calling. We've all been given gifts and when we learn how to use those gifts to glorify and serve the Lord with all of our hearts, that is when we reach our full potential. As I learned more about NHCC tonight, I am definitely considering it as a possibility after high school. The atmosphere I saw in just one night was incredible,. The focus on the Lord and doing devotions, how close the professors work with the students not only to reach life goals but also spiritual growth is something I truly admire. As a strong Christian, I want to go to a school that will support me in every aspect of my life, and to have that spiritual stability and support is something that I think everyone yearns for and looks for, myself included. For anyone looking for a college in which they cannot only physically grow but mentally and spiritually as well, look into NHCC, I promise you will not be disappointed!


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