Tonight I went and saw the movie Wonder, if you haven't seen this movie then it is a must see! Its all about a child born with face deformations so he looks different then others. Its about his journey to accepting and embracing these differences. As I watched this, I got to thinking about how were all different, we all have aspects of ourselves that set us apart from other people and aspects that make us who we are. I think that often times however we have a hard time embracing some of these differences, not only of ourselves but also of others. We see physical differences as ugly and we see mental differences as "ill' or 'slow" etc. Instead of embracing all these differences ,we tear people down and make them feel worthless, ashamed etc. We don't choose our differences, our creator does that and he created each and every one of us for a specific purpose. Instead of hiding from these differences we should embrace them and love one another. We should see physical deformities as miracles, not someone to be scared of or shun. Why cant we just be thankful that the person made it through all that? We should see mental differences as something to embrace as well, we all think and comprehend differently and that doesn't make anyone more or less special then one another. We should see differences like gems, if we were all the same then life would be pretty boring! Embrace what sets you apart and love what sets others apart. Here's a quote from the movie I would like you to consider today.
"Be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle and if you really wanna see what people are, all you have to do is look."
We need to start looking deeper then the surface and loving one anther not for what we look like or what we have but for who we truly are :)
"Be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle and if you really wanna see what people are, all you have to do is look."
We need to start looking deeper then the surface and loving one anther not for what we look like or what we have but for who we truly are :)
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