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Back to School or Back to Stress?

Hey Everyone,
Most of us are starting school on Tuesday or you have already started based on your states schedules and requirements. I'm starting my Sophomore year of high school on Tuesday and I must say it feels as if summer just started yesterday, the way its flown by! I hope you have all had a wonderful summer that you will be sure to remember! I know I have ,from the hot long rewarding days at horse fair to the relationships I gained and memories I made. It has definitely been a summer for the books! I look back and honestly feel so blessed ,often times while were in the moment our minds tend to gravitate toward the negative aspects of our lives or the hard times of the moment. Then something amazing happens. We look back and see all the fun memories and joyful moments that we had amidst all the bad. Our minds are blind in the moment but when we look back we realize how blessed we really were, how blessed we really are even in a bad situation. I love the old saying "there's a bright side to everything." As overused as this sometimes is, I love it because its so true! No matter how dark the moment is ,there's always a bright side if you look hard enough. I hope you can look back at your summers and relish in the memories of the laughs and fun times, and also see the good in what you once thought was bad.
  Now getting back to the original topic at hand haha. As a teenager ,some people may not realize it, they think stress only exists for adults or something but that's not true. As teens we lead very stressful lives packed with challenges and hardships just like any other person. I'm not saying were better than anyone or our problems are larger, because that is the farthest thing from the truth! I'm simply saying that even though we are still "kids" we have stress in our lives too and just like an adult. School adds onto the stress of our everyday lives. We go back to worrying about keeping our grades up, passing a test or getting a good project grade. If your in public school than you go back to stressing over if you'll fit in or be outcasted.  Being scared if people will like you or not. All these little things that we got a break from this summer now coming back to "haunt" us per say. Now I cant take all these stressors away from you as much as I wish I could ,however I can tell you a few things that will hopefully help :).
    First of all when going back to school maybe your like me,,, I love school ,well maybe not love but during the school year. My work is my life, I'm extremely dedicated and constantly working towards my goal of getting into a good med school once I graduate. What I have learned though is that while being dedicated is a really great thing. You have to take time for yourself. You see when working ,your brain is working and if your brain doesn't have a break or adequate time to refresh itself before the next school day, then within a matter of time you will burn out completely. So pace yourself and know your personal limits on what your brain can handle comfortably. Challenging yourself is good, just don't push to hard is all. Take time for you, do what you love ,whether that be sports, art or any other hobby, make sure you have time set aside in your day for it!
Now for those of you specifically in public school or just life in general I suppose. Don't worry if you have the right cloths or if you will fit in! The right people will love you for the person you are and you wont have to change anything about yourself to earn their love or  a spot at the lunch table. School is a time for us to learn, to form relationships that could last a lifetime! And even to break off some relationships that we learned were not in our best interest to keep. Either way its our learning time as young people in the world, so take advantage of that and learn. Not just by the text book but learn life skills, like what you want in a friend and even what you don't want. Learn from others, you can learn from your peers actions and mistakes. If you like how someone is acting then don't strive to be like them because you should be yourself , instead take what you like about that person and ask yourself , how can I improve myself based upon this new knowledge? Same for if you don't like the way someone is acting or a mistake they made. Instead of judging them and gossiping, ask yourself . How can I learn from there mistake or action, and how can I be sure to avoid that same mistake in my life? When we stop judging people we can actually learn a lot! All it takes is a different perspective or view point.

   So if your stressed about going back to school, don't be. Go back with a new look or new perspective. Take on the world and learn all you can about everything while you have the chance. Learn from others and learn about yourself along the way. Be yourself and make this the greatest year yet! I wish you the best of luck :)


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