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Stay True to You :)

I strongly believe that we were all put on this earth for a reason. We have all been given talents or gifts that make us special and set us apart from anyone else. In today's society however we are taught to blend in with the going trends and what is "in style" when it comes to life. This seems appealing because no one wants to be outlasted. I'm asking you however to look at it from a different perspective, if we go with society and try to blend in with all the "ins" and "outs" etc than are we really living our own lives? Are we really being our own person? No were not, you see instead of being our own persona and embracing what makes us unique, we are conforming and becoming a part of the massive human society is creating. I say massive human that society is creating because that's how I like to think about it. Our society tells us what foods are good to eat, the best cloths to wear, where to shop, what to like, what to dislike, who to spend time with, who to not spend time with, what to spend money on and what to avoid. When  we blend in with society than we are living the life that the world says is the so called best but were not living our own lives, making our own choices. You need to embrace what makes you unique! Find what makes you stand out in the crowd and build on that.  Don't hide yourself because you don't look the plastic blonde barbie doll you saw in the magazine, don't be ashamed because your not where you want to be when it comes to a job, weight loss or any other struggle. Keep working hard and the right people will look past material things and see the real you. This life throws curve balls but stay strong in what you know is right and stay strong in who you are. Going into this topic a little bit deeper because I feel it necessary, no matter who you are ,you have values or beliefs of some kind and I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to not sacrifice those for anyone. Even if its someone you love and care for deeply because no matter who they are ,no one is worth sacrificing your beliefs. The way i think of this is ,every choice you make in your life ,every moment effects your future. So what effect do you want to have on yourself? If you give in and sacrifice what you believe than you may be negatively effecting Gods future plan for your life. Not only that but when someone else asks something of you that your not comfortable with and you give in, they don't have to live with the guilt of it, you do. I've been learning a big lesson throughout life which is. People come and go in life but your stuck with yourself, your not just a test model for the future you, your the real deal so make it count! The best life advice I feel like I could ever give is to just be yourself i cannot explain how important that is in today's world! Listen to God as well and if he is saying no to something don't be discouraged because he has a bigger better plan for you and that just wasn't apart of it.
Be yourself. Follow your heart. And listen to your head.
Often times our hearts can lead us astray and that's why we were given a brain to comprehend and think through what the heart wants to make sure its what God wants and that it  will positively impact your life. I say this from the bottom of my heart, God has made an amazing YOU so let the TRUE YOU shine and don't change who you are for anything. We all need to stand for something in this life ,its just about deciding what to stand for.


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