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Self Improvement...

Self improvement is when you look at yourself and find flaws that you want to improve. This can be improving anything that you feel you want to change about yourself, it can be mental or physical ,its all about you and the person you want to become. I chose this topic today because I myself have had a very eye opening day. I strongly believe that God has a way of getting through to us when he has a point to get across or something to tell us. Today he had quite a bit to tell me, I have so many goals for my life and I want to reach out to people ,but how can I reach out and help others if I'm not also working on helping myself become the best version of me that I can be? So God clearly pointed out some areas in my life that I need to improve on. Some people will call me crazy for saying all this but the truth is God does have a plan for our lives and I'm learning that when he speaks to us ,he has a reason and we need to listen intently. Sometimes I get nervous sharing with you all my personal thoughts and feelings but I feel like there are things that need to be shared and if my experiences or personal thoughts can be used as example for the good of the Lord ,well than here it is! I will share with you today what I have had my eyes opened to that I need to improve about myself. And yes mom this means if I'm not staying on top of myself on this you may politely remind me :)

1) We all have "enemies" or people in life whom we don't quite get along with. I have plenty of those in my life but I realize that we are called as people of God to love our neighbor as ourselves and to love our "enemies" even more. This is something I have struggled with after being hurt by people so many times but again I realize that I need to love them and not just because God has called me to but because deep down those people are hurting and they just need to be loved. Those people don't know Jesus yet but how will they if we shut them out? We need to let Gods love shine through us. we need to be their light in this world of complete darkness.

2) I write posts all the time on here , its easy to put my personal thoughts and feelings out there when I'm behind a computer but I need  to learn how to come out of my comfort zone and start speaking these posts ,not just writing them.

3) I need to get back on my devotions, I confess life has gotten in the way but I need to be sure I'm getting my time in with God each day.

4) I need to not only learn to love my "enemies" but I also need to reach out to them.

5) I always try to be positive but lately I've had some rough spots and I need to make sure no matter whats going on I keep that positive ,optimistic attitude.

6) I need to stop being afraid and intimidated by people, i need to get passed the anxiety because when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of me. I only answer to myself and god so if I know what I'm doing is right than that is all that matters.

7) I want to be more interested in other people lives and get better about asking deeper more meaningful questions especially when talking over text to keep the conversation interesting.


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