I know that I have written about a similar topic before but I feel this is one that should be mentioned more than once, as we often forget. Life gets busy and we often forget to take time and put God first. Today I found a verse that reminds us of this perfectly, Mathew 6:24 says. "No one can be a slave of two masters, since either he will hate one or love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other, you cannot be slaves of God and Money". This is saying that those of us dedicated to the Lord cannot be obsessed with money, aka greedy. We need to trust the Lord completely even with our finances and if we are greedy with money than we are not giving ourselves over completely to him. This can be difficult because it means giving up control but if we cant trust the King of the world with our lives, than who can we trust? We have to be willing to give up everything to follow him, then and only than are we truly putting him first. Today I want you to ask yourself,in what areas are you not putting God first in your life? What are some aspects of control that you haven't given to him but you need to? I challenge you to pray, pray that God helps you work through this loss of control and for him to pull you closer in your walk with him. Truly and fully surrender, then watch change begin to bloom in your life and watch yourself begin to spiritually prosper like never before.
Often times when you think about "love", where does your mind go? For some of us it might be the love shared between a couple or a family, friends etc. Rarely however do we think about ourselves. The world can feel like its spinning a million miles an hour, I know mine is. We spend so much time making sure everyone else is okay that we often times neglect ourselves. We love everyone and try to make sure they know that, but what about making sure we know we love ourselves? That were happy with who we are? You may be thinking I've gone crazy right now trying to tell you to love yourself lol. I'm serious though, we are our biggest critics and I feel like we spend so much time critiquing ourselves that we forget to be happy with who we are. We tend to excuse mistakes of ones we care about, as we should but then we dwell on our own mistakes and let them tear us apart. We need to show ourselves the compassion we show others and we need to be comfortable with who we are as ...
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