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Inspired to Say Yes?

For those of you that don't know, I am a member of New Hope Oahu' Sand Island campus in Hawaii. Since my family and I don't live there, we attend church online at one of the three services every Sunday via the live stream that they have. Today was a truly eye opening, inspiring and down right amazing message. Every once and a while you get a speaker that God works through to really just touch your heart down to the core and today i experienced that in this message.Today they had a guest speaker that maybe you have heard of, if you haven't I highly suggest looking up some of his messages on you tube. His name is Nick Vugicic and he has no arms or legs, his story of the struggles he endured as a child and how he came to know Jesus, then overcome these struggles is truly inspiring. He reminds us that no matter or circumstance or what we have going on either mentally or physically that God has a plan and a purpose for us all. No matter our physical limitations he wants to use us to spread his love in any way that we can. Nick didn't understand why he had "less" than other kids as a child. He just wanted arms and legs claiming that if he had them it would all be "okay" but that wasn't Gods plan. God wanted to use him exactly how he is to make a statement and all the pain he endured a child being bullied etc. Now he has been able to turn that pain into a blessing and not just for himself but hes able to connect with people on a different mental and emotional level. He can connect not only with us as people with limbs but he inspires and motivates others who have been born without limbs or born with physical instabilities. Because he gave God control in his life, he is now a light in so many other lives and he spreads Gods love everywhere he goes. He has gotten to witness thousands of people take Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. Hes gotten to talk to kids, children, parents and he has been able to not only talk but pray with them. As someone who aspires and has a want of her own to make a difference I am amazed and in awe of what he has been able to accomplish. Its true that when God takes the reigns, amazing things that you could never dream of happening ,they happen and your able to touch the hearts of so many others. I pray that God gives me the opportunity to reach out and spread his love to people like he has Nick. I find the greatest joy when I'm able to bless others for the will of my Lord. And I pray that you find Gods purpose for you in your life because he has one for you that's greater than you could ever imagine. No matter who you are or where your at in life, he has a plan for you that will prosper you and those who you touch along the way. Now I know this is just an article on the internet but I feel it has been put on my heart to offer this to you. If your reading this and you have not said yes to Jesus and taken him as your Lord and savior, if you want to take that step and give Jesus the reigns in your life, please pray this prayer I've written below.

    Dear Lord, I know I have sinned and I am asking now for your forgiveness. I want to live my life to serve and honor you from this moment on. I'm asking for your forgiveness as I repent right now for all the wrong I have done in my life. I give you the reigns and I give you control now. The world sees my shell lord but I know that you see my heart and I'm asking that you cleanse my heart today of all the evil in this world and make it pure so i may start anew in my walk with you. From this moment on i dedicate my life to you and I declare you my Lord, my Savior and my one true King. Thank you Father and all these things i pray in your name Amen.

    If you prayed that prayer just now, let me be the first to say "Welcome Home!" The decision you have made just now is the most eternal decision you will ever make and I promise you will not regret it. Will the journey be easy? No but God never said the way he wants us to live was easy, he only said it was right and living your life for God is the most fulfilling life their is. So if you said yes than I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

   Now your probably wandering whats next? Well no matter where you live, New Hope has some great resources as well as people readily available to help you with your new walk with Christ. If you go to
than click on contact us, you can put in your name and email, as well as a message telling them that you have just made your first step and want some mentor-ship or counseling on your next steps. We have a team that would love to talk to and help you! Good luck and once again welcome home!


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