Hey Ladies<3
This post is specifically for all my ladies out there, we often hear the word "beautiful" in many ways. Its often used when we see someone we find prettier than ourselves in our eyes. We feel like we don't measure up because we aren't the "perfect or ideal" weight, or maybe we aren't using the super expensive makeup that someone else is. People in general are self conscious but we as woman get the brunt of it. We constantly try to be the "ideal" for someone else, its like a constant battle to be someones idea of beautiful. So much so that we forget to focus on our own idea of beautiful. We wear uncomfortable cloths, go on massive diets, and try to learn the impossible eye liner tutorials so that we feel like we measure up. We get so caught up in the worlds idea of beauty that we loose track of what we think is beautiful and what is spiritually beautiful. Some think that beauty comes from how much you spend on your appearance ,but who cares about appearance if theirs no heart and mind to go with it? That's equivalent to getting a box of chocolates that are beautifully wrapped and so appealing than you open the box to find no chocolates but an empty box. You can look amazing on he outside but who cares about that if your hollow inside? The world measures beauty by appearance but God looks at us from within, he sees our hearts and a God devoted heart is what he calls beautiful. Mathew 6:28 says that " And why do you worry about clothes? Learn how the wildflowers of the field grow: they don't labor or spin thread." This is saying, instead of worrying so much about our outward appearance we need to grow in God and therefore grow in ourselves. Being like a beautiful wildflower who needs nothing more than the necessities offered to it in order to bloom. As a teenager myself I understand the want to have the latest styles and to fit in with other women, I've been looked down upon before based of having the wrong jeans and its not fun. So I'm not saying you shouldn't dis your appearance all together. I'm saying don't make that what you put all your time into and don't compare yourself to others. You are your own person and you have so many ways you can shine without trying to be someone else. Make your own kind of beautiful, go after Gods beautiful and always try to push and be the gorgeous person he has created you to be. I challenge you today, don't make it your goal to be eye candy, instead be heart, mind and soul food. And above all else if you want to dress to impress than choose wisely who your trying to impress because in the end the only one you should be devoted to impress has already been impressed by you since before you were born.
Conquer the world ladies and maybe if we all work together we can create our own kind of beautiful and a new species of wildflower as an example for generations to come.
Be-YOU-Tiful :)
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