Covid took a lot from many people, however as I reflect over the past year and a half it has also brought so many blessings. Look around just for a moment, you'll realize how much you have to appreciate. I believe in not focusing on what was lost but rather what was gained. Before covid how often did you simply sit outside and admire the trees or the sky? Well after a year inside I bet those moments have increased. Before covid did you ever slow down and enjoy moments with your family? Did you simply stop to enjoy the blessings God has placed in your life? This last year has given many of us the opportunity to do just that. As humans we grow and adapt to our changing times and environments but throughout this last year, it's trials and turmoil, God has stayed constant as we've had to adapt to our new world he has stayed the same. God has remained a constant stability in our lives and carried us through. Blessing upon blessing has been apparent over this last year if you si...