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Showing posts from December, 2018


Revenge is a funny topic, it's funny because we somehow think we have the right to act on it or even merely ponder it... Revenge is inflicting pain or harm on someone who has previously done the same to you or another person. Oddly enough we as humans think we have the right to do this. We think we have the right to hurt someone simply because they have hurt us. How messed up is this idea? We seem to think because someone else caused us hurt, that we should then cause them hurt in return? What is this teaching those around us? Well it's definitely not teaching God's love. We are called to be a light in this world, to build each other up, no matter if they have harmed us or caused us pain, we need to be the ones willing to help someone free of judgement. We need to see our pain as a chance to learn and grow, a chance to know how something feels and be able to help someone else through a situation down the road. We need to be able to see past our pain in the moment and see Go...

Living in The Moment & Accepting the Gift

Its incredible how one person's comment can get your mind thinking about a world of other things, a chain reaction per say. I've come to a realization and it's not one I particularly like, in the midst of our busy lives, stress, problems, and overall worlds, how often do we completely miss what's right in front of our faces in the current moment? I feel like we spend so much time worried about what's gone wrong in the past and how that could affect our future, or what may or may not happen in the future that we can completely miss the amazing moments right in the present. Our "present" time is called the "present" for a reason, because its a gift and we never know how many more "presents" we have left to open. Each day, each moment, they are gifts, not givens. We aren't required or promised another day, were only promised and lucky enough to have the day we were gifted right now. What we do with that gift is up to us, but what I enc...

Cause of Bullying?

When we think about bullying, whether we think about when we were bullied ourselves, someone we know being bullied or even just what the whole concept is, we often try to dissect "why". Why me? Or why him? Why her? Yet no matter how many times we ask, there's never a clear answer why a person is targeted or bullied. During this Christmas season I'd like to present a new idea for everyone to think about. Jesus is the center of Christmas and I won't apologize for blatantly saying so. Through my study of the bible and especially thinking and learning during the Christmas season, I have run across a fact I find very interesting... Throughout the bible It is made very clear that Jesus was harshly treated, out-casted, and ridiculed. In more modern terms, he was bullied. As we study these accounts we may wonder why, he never sinned or did anything of wrong or unlawful nature, so why was he targeted? There was no reason and that's exactly the point. Those who strive t...