Today I got the privilege to listen to one of my favorite pastors that many of you have probably heard of. Pastor Wayne Cordeiro is an inspiration and role model to people around the globe. Today his message touched a few things that I've really thought about since. Often times we see a problem as this scary horrible thing in which we will do anything to avoid. Lets be honest, none of us like things getting in the way of our plans or the "fairy tale" life we want to live. When we see a problem arise we typically try to avoid it completely or get mad etc. Think about this though, how does a miracle happen? What causes a miracle to occur? If you haven't caught on already then I'll tell you. Problems are the cause of miracles! God uses our problems to get our attention sometimes, he uses them to remind us hes in control and that we need to be patient and obey. So many cancer cases have been miraculously cured, if there weren't the problem of cancer then there wou...