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 I don't know about you but personally I like control... Having no control in a situation is not something I've ever deemed to be a good time. I ran across the verse today that talks about not leaning on our own understanding. The post that followed talked about how our emotions are constantly changing, our goals, our visions, the world around us. Leaning on our own understanding would be like stepping into quick sand and expecting not to sink... The Lord never changes, he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thus logically it makes sense to lean on him, his understanding, his wisdom. This is quite the challenge for me, as someone who loves learning and wants to understand absolutely everything...  I have found though when I try too hard to understand some things, my brain goes into a panic. As I was mulling all this over today, it hit me. Some things are not meant to be understood. God wired our brains, he created our minds, and he didn't give us the ability to compr
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The fire

  A thought came to me today as I stumbled upon some inspirational posts. Why are we often so eager to escape our troubling circumstances. We get trapped in the fire and get so focused on getting out that perhaps we miss the most important question of all, what refining needs to be completed in the fire? Just as a welder uses the fire to shape and refine metal, so God uses our circumstances, "fires" to shape and refine us. If he simply swooped in and saved the day, we would lack the knowledge he hopes us to gain, we wouldn't grow in character or wisdom. In the fire we think he abandom us, left us to our own devices, but in reality he is more present in the fire even then in the calm. It's when we feel abandoned that he's calling to us the loudest, beckoning us to just open our ears to listen to his voice. Take the fires in stride, don't immediately reach for the extinguisher. Allow the flames to surround you with the confident knowledge that the one whom the


As someone accustomed to being constantly on the go and busy, I've always found the concept of stillness almost nerving.  When someone tells you to spend time being still in God's presence, I don't know about you but I always pictured literally sitting still with nothing to occupy myself. To say the least due to this perception stillness is something I'd avoid. As I've began seeking God as a new mother, he's hit me with a new perspective that I'd like to share in the hopes it can aid and encourage others to embrace being still.  Stillness is different for everyone, perhaps for some it is sitting and doing absolutely nothing, meditating on God's word, for others maybe it's prayer or being alone and singing worship music. Being still with God is eliminating distractions of this world and focusing fully on him. What helps your mind go quiet? What helps you tune into God's voice and block out the world? Personally I've found its worship music and

Life Boat

  There have been several topics on my mind and heart the last week. So I pray right now that God present them here the way he wants them written and understood. One topic I'm sure I've touched on before is uncertainty, however I feel it is more relevant now than possibly ever. In this world the only certainty we havw perhaps is uncertainty, key words here; this world. As I've mulled this topic over in my mind a couple things have become clear: -uncertainty forces growth of faith. -community and relationships are of utmost importance.  -In an uncertain world and constantly uncertain times, we as humans need Jesus, our rock and savior more then ever before.  -Lastly (for now) we need to be building our boats to withstand rough waters every day even as the water is still so that when the inevitable tsunami hits, the storm of life won't wash us away. This analogy sums up most of the main points, together with those whom we are building relationships, we should be building


 As thoughts and emotions come through our minds, whether consciously or subconsciously we harbor some of them. While some float on through, our mind grabs onto others and anchors them down, absorbing them, believing them. Just as we care for our bodies by choosing carefully what we eat or drink, we must also care for our minds and hearts by being selective in what thoughts and feelings we allow to be anchored. What comes in eventually sees its way out whether through words, actions, physical appearance etc. What we anchor in our minds affects our perception of oneself and the around us. It affects our relationships, mood and daily life. Today take a moment to dig into what your allowing a permanent space for in your mind snd heart. Is it helpful, uplifting, true? Is it encouraging you to be a better version of yourself, or is that anchor just weighing you down? Do you have anchors weighing others down? 

Defining Life Through Choices

 Life is a crazy thing, what's crazier is how we each define the course we take through it. Often times we categorize our lives by the bigger more obvious choices, for instance taking a job, going back to school, getting married, having children etc. If we created a road map of our lives on paper it would likely consist of big landmark choices. Is it truly those big choices however that sum up our lives? Is it really those land mark sized choices that got us where we are today and propel us further into the future? I'd like to argue that they are not. Every day, every moment we are faced with choices, big and small choices. Perhaps the most seemingly miniscule choices are in fact the most monumental. When you start your day, what thoughts do you allow into your head? How do you nurture your mind, body and soul when you rise and when you begin to settle down for the day? How do you choose to interact with those around you, how do you speak to them? How do you speak to yourself,


 I feel there is something not talked about enough, everyone knows the feeling of failure. We all make mistakes, comes with being human, we all cope with that. How though do we cope when unplanned mistakes take place, I know your wondering what on earth I mean by this, most mistakes are unplanned… I am referring to the mistakes, the trials that occur even when the “rules” are followed, those that incur even when perhaps we have done everything right that is within in our power. This takes a different type of coping, paired with an even greater understanding and matched with yet a greater perspective. In order to cope and heal from these unplanned mistakes we need to evaluate what was within our control and what was genuinely not. Often times when things go wrong we immediately blame and criticize ourselves because let’s be real, that is much easier than accepting the unknown and accepting the true lack of control we had over the situation. It is facing this fact though that allows for